
Call Costing Business Solutions

Flexible & Reliable Call Costing Solutions

Is your organization looking for a comprehensive call costing solution to monitor and control telecommunication costs and give you a true picture of how much money is being spent and who is spending it? If so, Gibson Teldata can help.

We offer Call Accounting Solutions for both single site and multi-site installations, and we can optionally customize and integrate a solution compatible with your existing Contact Center Management System.

An All-Inclusive Communications Solution

Basic Solutions

Ability to monitor usage and establish your office call patterns for departments and work groups
Tools to track, report, and control communication costs
Analytics to perform cost recovery and carrier services bill reconciliation
Capability to determine if costs are excessive because employees are sharing toll free lines

Advanced Solutions

Subscriber Services

Enables you to charge back phone charges to departments, employees, and customers using markup or discount pricing

Traffic Analysis

Allows you to determine if you are using your incoming, outgoing, and bi-directional trunks efficiently

Call Costing Benefits