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The Best Call Management Software with Gibson’s Virtual Phone System

Call Management

It’s pretty straightforward: call management software helps businesses manage calls. That statement may sound elementary, but in practice, it’s a pinch more complex. If we plunge a bit more into it, complexity is a good thing when it comes to business phone systems. You get options that you can mix and match, putting in features to best suit your business. If you had to change your business to fit a communications platform, then that wouldn’t work at all. When you work with Gibson Teldata, we bring our 40 years of expertise to craft the best solution for you. 

We’ll look at the best call management software from Gibson Teldata, with a deep dive into the features and benefits for better customer service. 

What is Call Management? 

Call management is the foundation of any business’s communication strategy. As call volumes grow, so does the need for systems to handle inbound and outbound phone calls seamlessly. Customers expect easy routing for quick answers when they call, and they get frustrated when they’re put on hold or transferred multiple times. A good call management system sorts out these issues and gets the call to the right person or department without delay. 

Quality call management solutions improve customer experience and operational efficiency. Proper organization and management of calls prevent missed opportunities and provide overall satisfaction. 

What is Call Management Software? 

Call management is the process of managing both inbound and outbound calls. It’s essential in a call center or business. It involves using various tools and workflows to manage call volumes across multiple digital communication channels. A business phone system encompasses essential features and functionalities such as call processing, automated services like interactive voice response, and critical attributes like reliability and uptime, which are crucial for enhancing customer experience and improving overall call management. The importance of call management software comes down to the level of customer service you’re looking to achieve. The type of business you have will determine the specific needs of the communications platform. 

Advanced call management systems include Interactive Voice Response (IVR) for automated caller interactions, real-time and historical reporting for performance measurement, and call recording for review and training purposes. According to Shep Hyken, 86 percent of customers would switch to a competing brand or company if they found out they provided a better customer experience. 

Benefits of Good Call Management 

Good call management brings many benefits to a business. Call management systems utilize multiple phone numbers for different departments or services to effectively route incoming calls based on predetermined criteria, improving customer service experiences. Here are some of them: 

  1. It prevents missed or dropped calls so every customer interaction is handled promptly and directed to the right department or agent. 
  1. This improves customer satisfaction and inbound call handling teams’ efficiency. 
  1. It reduces call avoidance and manages workloads. 

Call management systems also provide valuable insights into incoming and direct calls, helping businesses identify areas for improvement and opportunities. Metrics tracked through call analytics, such as agent availability and call volume, can increase operational efficiency and reduce costs. 

At the end of the day, a good call management solution means better performance, training, and overall customer experience. 

Call Management System Features

Virtual phone system

Knowing the features of call management systems is important in choosing the right solution for your business. These systems allow businesses to receive calls effectively by setting customized business hours and ensuring seamless call management. Good call management software improves communication, customer satisfaction, and employee motivation. Many industries use these systems to manage incoming calls and achieve significant operational efficiency and business results. 

A call management system should have features like Automatic Call Distribution (ACD), Interactive Voice Response (IVR), call recording, CRM integration, and real-time analytics. These are the building blocks of the communication process, reducing wait times and team collaboration. 

Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) 

Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) is a key feature of any call management system. It directs inbound calls to the right team members or departments based on pre-defined criteria, such as time of day or caller location. This ensures the right person handles calls and reduces hold times and customer frustration. The last thing you want to do is inadvertently delay an unhappy customer because of complicated menus or ineffective call routing.  

ACD systems manage and distribute calls efficiently so customer queries can be resolved quickly. By directing customers to the right team member, these systems minimize wait times and improve the overall customer experience. 

Determining call volume and integration needs is important when deciding on the requirements for an ACD system. ACD and IVR work hand-in-hand to create the best calling conditions possible. 

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) 

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology automates caller interactions, provides menu options for self-service, and gathers required information before connecting the caller to an agent. This reduces human intervention so customers can get the services they need without waiting for an available agent. 

IVR systems increase call center efficiency by handling routine queries and directing complex issues to the right agents. This not only speeds up the service process but also frees up agents to focus on more important tasks like overall service quality and customer satisfaction. 

Call Recording and Monitoring 

Call recording and monitoring are key components of a call management system. Call recording is a valuable resource for performance evaluation and staff training. Managers can listen to recorded calls to assess agent performance, identify areas for improvement, and provide targeted coaching. In certain industries, like financial and health, call recording is needed for compliance concerns.  

Ongoing training and coaching based on in-the-moment monitoring and call recordings help staff better handle customer interactions and improve service quality. Call recording has moved away from being primarily used in punitive scenarios and has been embraced as a teaching tool. For instance, monitoring and reviewing calls is extremely beneficial for getting new employees up to speed in a new role. Comprehensive training builds employee confidence, reduces stress, and leads to better customer service and satisfaction. 

CRM Integration 

Integrating Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems with call management software improves personalized customer support and operational efficiency. According to a report from Salesforce, 74 percent of customers expect better personalization when they provide more data. This integration allows businesses to prioritize important interactions, resolve issues faster, and increase overall customer satisfaction. 

A call center that uses CRM integration can maximize customer experience and revenue by using combined operational and customer feedback data in the call center. This means significant cost savings and more streamlined customer support. We’ve all been there when you have to repeat an issue multiple times to different agents; with CRM integrations, customer interactions can be accessed easily, reducing or completely eliminating that frustrating experience.  

Real-Time Analytics 

Real-time analytics is important for tracking call performance metrics and identifying areas for improvement. By monitoring these metrics regularly, businesses can make informed decisions that continuously improve call management processes and the customer experience as a whole. This ongoing evaluation helps adapt to changing customer needs and ensures call management is efficient and effective. 

How to Choose the Best Call Management Software 

Call management software

Choosing the best call management software involves evaluating your business needs and making sure the solution can grow with you. A robust and flexible system with multiple features — like call routing, IVR, and CRM integration — is a must. A unified communications platform is also recommended for cost savings, easier IT management, and improved team workflows. 

Unified communications is a hallmark of great call management software. With Gibson Teldata, we offer secure call recording and storage, video conferencing, instant messaging, secure file sharing, and advanced in-meeting engagement options for better team collaboration. The more integrated your workflows are, the more productive everyone will be. A joint study from Qatalog and Cornell University found that people spend 59 minutes daily simply looking for information trapped within various tools and applications. 

Additionally, proper planning is required for successful implementation, including setting goals and choosing the right technology for your business. 

Business Requirements 

Choosing the right call management software starts with evaluating business requirements. These include call volume, integration needs, and compliance requirements, especially for regulated industries. Customizable routing options are also important to route calls to different departments without manual transfers. 

Another important factor is scalability. The solution should be able to grow and adapt to business changes. Integrating CRM with a call management system allows for automatic logging of calls and activities, thereby reducing repetitive tasks and streamlining workflows. 

Call Management System Implementation 

Business phone solutions

Implementing a call management system involves several steps from setting up the system to training your team, ensuring continuous improvement among agents. Proper hiring and training of employees is key to a successful implementation. A clear definition of roles and responsibilities among staff will enhance the system’s performance. 

Open communication among team members is also important to address challenges and improve performance. A well-implemented call management system means better customer interactions and overall business efficiency. 

Unified Communications 

Unified communications is a platform that integrates multiple communication tools into one, making overall business communication more efficient. This not only simplifies the communication process but also results in cost savings and team collaboration. 

Small Business Efficiency 

Unified communications is good for small businesses. Call management software simplifies the communication process, makes it easier to manage calls, and reduces wait time on business phones. This means faster response time, and better customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Additionally, implementing unified communications can mean big cost savings, as it requires less upfront investment compared to traditional phone systems. These platforms also allow remote work and better team collaboration through instant messaging and video conferencing. 

Better Customer Experience in Call Centers 

In call centers, unified communications improves customer experience by integrating ACD, IVR, and CRM. These features ensure calls are handled efficiently, reduce wait time, and improve problem resolution rates. 

Real-time analytics allows call centers to track performance metrics and make timely interventions to enhance the customer experience. By staffing based on peak call times and using high-definition audio for clear communication, call centers can improve service levels and customer satisfaction. 

Key Takeaways 

  • Call management is key to business communication, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency. 
  • Call management system features include Automatic Call Distribution (ACD), Interactive Voice Response (IVR), call recording, CRM integration, and real-time analytics. 
  • Choosing the right call management software means assessing your business needs, scalability, and continuous improvement for the best customer interactions. 

Boost Your Business with Call Management Software from Gibson Teldata

Unified communications

Choosing a call management system is important to improving customer interactions and business efficiency. Good call management prevents missed calls, reduces hold time, and improves overall customer satisfaction. ACD, IVR, call recording, CRM integration, and real-time analytics are the key features of a good system. The system is just a piece of the puzzle; having a quality partner who works with you the entire way from initial consultation, closing the contract, implementation, and ongoing support is how the system shines. 

Gibson Teldata is the partner who completes the puzzle. Our approach includes building a solution customized to you and your customers. Before recommending anything, we get a detailed understanding of your business and needs so that we can build the best solution for you. Then, we arm you with the best customer service, available 24 hours a day. Contact us, and let’s start on this journey together! 


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