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How UCaaS Business Solutions Solve Key Business Problems

How UCaaS Business Solutions Solve Key Business Problems

Whether you’re managing a startup or overseeing a mid-sized company, you’ve encountered a communication challenge. Maybe it’s: 

  • Coordinating between remote and office teams 
  • Grappling with high communication bills 
  • Expanding your phone system to accommodate new locations, or 
  • Feeling limited by outdated features. 

No matter what your challenges are, UCaaS business solutions can help you overcome them. UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) can be your all-in-one solution.  

And we’re going to show you how! 

1) UCaaS Business Solutions Support the Hybrid Work Model Employees Want 

After realizing the power of flexible work schedules, most employees don’t want to return to the office full-time. Hybrid work allows them to achieve better work-life balance, reduce their commuting stress, and gain more control over when (and how) they work. 

This results in greater satisfaction at work, which leads to higher productivity, lower turnover, greater innovation, and a whole lot more. 

But keeping everyone connected can be tricky if their schedules don’t align – especially if you’re using an older phone system. Thankfully, UCaaS business solutions can help! 

Let’s say your sales team needs to coordinate with the marketing team for a new campaign. However, half of the sales team is remote, and half of the marketing team is hybrid. Instead of playing phone tag or adding more emails to an endless thread, they hop into a virtual meeting room on their UCaaS platform

They share screens, brainstorm ideas in real-time, and finalize the campaign details in record time. UCaaS business solutions bridge not only physical but mental distance in teams, leading to better cross-collaboration and higher productivity rates

2) UCaaS Business Solutions Cut Down High Communication Costs 

Traditional systems can be expensive to set up and maintain, especially for small-to-mid-sized businesses. Add that to the growing number of platforms you need to support hybrid work, and costs can get even higher. 

UCaaS business solutions eliminate the need for: 

  • Separate phone lines, allowing you to use your existing internet connection for calls 
  • Multiple communication platforms for virtual meetings, webinars, and more since you can do all that from the platform itself 
  • Specific, expensive hardware via its softphone application, allowing employees to turn any device into a secure business line 

You can set up a cost-effective, feature-rich communication system by paying a predictable monthly fee. No more surprise bills and no more strained budgets. 

Let’s see it in action. Imagine you are the manager of a chain of clothing stores. Instead of investing in separate phone lines and hardware for each location, UCaaS business solutions let you consolidate all these locations’ communication needs in one unified system. 

Each store can use voice, video, and messaging services over its existing internet connection for a predictable monthly fee. This approach not only reduces upfront and ongoing expenses but also leads to easier growth, which we’ll explain in the next point. 

3) UCaaS Business Solutions Make Growth Simpler 

Expanding your business involves adding new locations or hiring remote employees. Traditional communication platforms can struggle to support this kind of expansion well, whether it’s because they need a lot of expensive infrastructure or they take a long time to set up. 

UCaaS business solutions, on the other hand, make this growth simple because it’s based in the cloud. You can easily add new locations, users, and numbers with just a click or two. 

Imagine that you run a restaurant, and business is booming. You’re ready to open a new location in a different city. Instead of setting up a whole new phone system and dealing with complex configurations, wiring, and scheduling technical support, you can simply add the new location to your UCaaS platform. All you need is an internet connection and IP-supported phones. 

Employees at both locations can communicate easily, share resources, and even collaborate like they’re in the same room. Unlike their traditional predecessors, UCaaS business solutions ensure that growth isn’t held back by communication disruptions or delays. 

4) UCaaS Business Solutions Eliminate Feature Limitations 

As you well know, customer service makes or breaks your business, and outdated communication systems can limit your ability to deliver the kind of service your customers expect. But UCaaS business solutions have all kinds of advanced features like:  

  • Sentiment analysis  
  • Advanced call routing options  
  • Secure call recording & storage  
  • Interactive voice response (IVR), just to name a few  

And these can take your customer service from slow to woah. We’re going to demonstrate how. 

Let’s say a customer calls your support line with a complex issue. With UCaaS business solutions, the call is automatically routed to the most qualified agent. Thanks to a CRM integration, the agent can instantly access the caller’s information, providing personalized assistance without asking the customer to repeat themselves. 

That only scratches the surface of the library of features UCaaS business solutions offer to businesses. They can empower you – and your team – to collaborate better, provide better support, and even strengthen your brand. 

Build Better UCaaS Business Solutions with Gibson Teldata 

At Gibson, we work hard to make sure our UCaaS platform flexes to fit your needs and overcome your challenges. Whether it’s adding more advanced features or supporting more flexible working conditions, our team of experts can make it work. Reach out today to experience the impact of UCaaS business solutions yourself! 


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